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Animal Healing: Testimonials

Manolo et ses deux chevaux

« Gaëlle a une sensibilité étonnante avec les animaux. Pour moi la question n'est pas de savoir si on croit ou non dans cette connexion-communication-verbalisation avec l'animal. 

Ce que j'ai vécu personnellement est très simple : Gaëlle m'a permis de verbaliser des questions et des gratitudes à l'intention de mes chevaux avec qui je vis et travail depuis des années. Elle m'a permis de prendre le temps de leur parler différemment et d'essayer de les écouter, d'essayer d'entendre ce qu'ils ont à me dire. Peu importe de savoir si Gaëlle a une Connexion magique avec les animaux, ce qui est formidable c'est sa sensibilité et son empathie avec le vivant qui nous permet de nous mettre à l'écoute intense et sincère de nos animaux. Merci beaucoup à elle pour cela. Elle a contribué à changer ma relation avec eux. Comme par hasard aujourd'hui ils vont très bien. »

Manolo avec ses chevaux Indra et Sahadeva - Le Théâtre du Centaure - septembre 2024 - Marseille - France 

« Merci d'avoir communiqué avec ma petite Lulù. Cette aventure m'a permis de réfléchir à certaines dynamiques qui ne fonctionnent pas dans mon ménage familiale. Nous nous sommes interrogés, avec mon mari et mes deux enfants, pour savoir qui est fâché sur qui, avec l'objectif d'essayer d'éloigner cette colère qui circule dans notre maison, et que Lulù sent aussi. 
En même temps j'ai commencé à donner plus d'attention au fait que Lulù peut avoir mal ressenti l'arrivée d'un autre chat. Je chercherai donc à donner à chacun sa propre place. Maintenant Lulù semble calme et tranquille d'être revenue à la maison, elle reçoit beaucoup de câlins et nous sommes tellement heureux de l'avoir retrouvée. Encore merci ! »

Claudia et son chat Lulù - septembre 2024 - Italie

Lulù de Claudia amie de Valeria chat
Photo portrait chien

« Merci infiniment pour ce message très éclairant. Ce que vous me transmettez confirme les informations qui doucement me sont livrées. Il est vrai que selon les jours, Flo a plus ou moins d'eczéma et qu'en observant cela correspond à mes émotions. Nous allons donc continuer à travailler pour évoluer et ainsi soulager Flo de son rôle de guide. Encore une fois, du fond du coeur un immense merci. »

Françoise et sa chienne Flo - août 2024 - Belgique

Gaëlle accompanied us when our cat, Sqweeg, fell ill. Suffering from spleen cancer, our cat was only 14 years old. He had never been sick. He was gone in a month. During the last three weeks of his life, the care provided by the veterinarian did not improve his state of health, we were helpless. Thanks to Gaëlle, we were able to contact him, explain to him that he was sick, and ask him how he wanted help. We were afraid he would suffer. Sqweeg was able to tell us, through Gaëlle, that he wanted to die with us, in the house or the garden. We respected his wishes.

Our sadness is still great because we loved our cat but I am very grateful to Gaëlle for being able to communicate with him in these circumstances, during the last days of his life. Gaëlle is a very attentive person, with great qualities of heart. His gift for communicating with the animal world is astonishing. I was very touched by the exchanges she was able to have with our cat. I highly recommend it. »

Gaëlle and Robert and their cat Sqweegle - Carqueiranne - France - July 2024

Sqweeg by Gaëlle and Roberto.jpg
Luluce de Maëlle.jpg

“I contacted Gaëlle about my cat Luluce who has been compulsively licking herself until she bleeds for a while. With great gentleness, Gaëlle was able to explain certain events that happened in my life as a human and for which her experience was different. Gaëlle allowed us (the family unit) to talk with our cat, to listen to what he was going through and why he was resorting to this behavior as well as when it would stop.

My cat came to highlight the unhappiness and stress of one of our family members.

Gaëlle was able to soothe Luluce and this appeasement was directly felt. He slept soundly on my bed. Since then, Luluce licks himself less, he is more present and relaxed. I found my cat, thank you for your care Gaëlle. »

Maëlle and her cat Luluce - June 2024 - Belgium

com avec animaux

“I no longer understood my dog who was exhibiting unusual behaviors, he had become exhausting, unpredictable, I no longer knew what to do, and above all I no longer understood him. Thanks to Gaëlle's work, I realized what was happening, in connection with my late ex-husband. What a surprise ! And since then everything has been going well, my dog, freed, has become himself again. Many thanks to you Gaëlle for the depth of your work, I find my Cury again. »

Marie-J'ose and her dog Cury - May 2024 – Belgium


“A very big thank you for your communication with our two dogs, it has now been more than a month since this work was done and we are experiencing a new dynamic in our home. It’s surprising, great, this positive change.

We want to stay this course, through human-animal discipline. Everything was about rebalancing everyone in their place, we are careful to no longer fall into emotional manipulation. Thank you for all these beautiful exchanges, which allowed me to realize that animals are beings who help us evolve towards what is right for ourselves. Friendships »

Nicole and Michel with Obi and Ficelle - April 2024 - Belgium

“I warmly thank Gaëlle for her animal communication. Thanks to her, I was able to know my dog's physical and emotional feelings following her health problems. Gaëlle was able to explain the veterinarian's opinion to her and ask if she agreed to have the operation. It is a real complementary tool to veterinary care.

Certain life situations may sometimes be misunderstood or badly experienced by your animal; explaining things to them brings them understanding, comfort and deep peace. What I noticed directly after the communication. Gaëlle's animal communication is practiced with heart, seriousness, truth and kindness. Do not hesitate for a moment to call on this precious help for their well-being. Your relationship will be enhanced by complicity. »

Jean and his dog Tattoo, February 2024, Belgium


“I'm having trouble coping with Houno's absence and the pain of having had to decide on his 'big trip': I'm clinging to the gentle way in which his departure took place. In the morning, Houno knew what was going to happen. Despite the awareness of the imminent separation, he was very calm and peaceful. Jessy accompanied us because I wanted him to notice his brother's departure afterwards: he understood well and welcomed this departure without distress. Today, he is naturally disoriented without Houno who was his reference point, but he is rather calm. And it’s all thanks to you. Thank you for helping me clarify the situation with my two little ones, and even more, for transmitting my message of love to Houno. It comforts me to know that he returned to the Universe knowing he was loved. »

Samuel and his dog Houno, with Jessy in the back - January 2024 - France

“A big thank you again for your communication with Nina. It took me quite a while to accept all of this. In fact, at the beginning I had a very difficult time. But, by reading and rereading and assimilating everything...I realized that everything is correct. Thank you for this difficult but super informative phase.

I think that as I experienced, many people have difficulty accepting being put in front of their mirror... and I also think that our animals are our own mirrors...

What a relief to cross this barrier because it is certainly the best way to move forward in life… for our darlings and for us. It's the harmony of a rich life with an animal 🌹. Thank you again dear Gaëlle. »

Jacqueline and Nina - December 1, 2023 - Belgium


“Following your work, our Kaly has gained peace of mind, her significant leg injury is completely healed. This will undoubtedly remain a dog with an anxious temperament but if it was necessary to give a coat,

from 8/10 it went to 5. Her body is no longer tense but supple to caresses and massages. Friday, garbage truck day, remains a little stressful but she remains alone at home for a few hours again.

On walks, she pays close attention to me but remains ready for anything when faced with another dog. Following an attack, large dogs will probably never be his friends. I thank you again and wish you good luck thanks to this very special donation. »

Frédérique and her dog Kaly - October 3, 2023 - Belgium


“More than animal communication, it was a real support for mourning for everyone, which we experienced when our little puppy Riou flew away to other universes. Thank you with all my heart to you Gaëlle for your presence with your heart, to him, to us, to you, during the communication but also before, after. It was, for us, simple, important, and fair. »

Malou and Van and their puppy Riou - Grieving support - September 21, 2023 - Belgium


“Thanks to Gaëlle’s communication, Mily, our cat, has become more serene when it comes to food.

Toward us, her humans, she had suddenly become distant, and that too has gotten better since I learned the reasons. We found our Mily, so affectionate and close. Thank you Gaëlle! »

Yumi and her cat Mily - September 7, 2023 - France

parler besion

“We see that our cat has evolved since his return, he stays with us and at home as before, but more openly - he doesn't hide his need for closeness and he knows that we love him, it's really cabbage. It's like this move, the problems at home, the time he took and his exchange with you, helped him heal things he'd been carrying for a long time.

I am not surprised that you spoke at length together, that he had things to say - he seems to have left a very heavy baggage, which he was already carrying when we met him - we are so happy to find him again open knowing he is at home with us.

Our concern was not to force him back, but to see if he was ok, and if he needed us - we are so relieved that he is alive, healthy and happy to be with us - he really shows it. THANKS. »

Natalie and her cat - August 14, 2023 - France

“Thank you Animal Healing! One of my turtles was not doing well for over a year, she no longer ate regularly, she isolated herself from others, she often remained motionless for long periods. After the intervention or rather her conversation with Gaëlle, I isolated her and since then, she eats regularly, she swims, she exposes herself to the sun.... In short, she regained her strength and above all the joy of living. Thank you for her. »

Phil and his turtle - July 31, 2023 - Belgium


“We contacted Gaëlle because one of our hens, from intensive breeding and taken in in very poor condition, was very aggressive with the other hens and prevented them from going into the nest. She seemed completely panicked.

We tried to isolate the hen in question for a month, but upon her reintroduction her aggressive behavior resumed. Our other hens were no longer laying eggs and some were injured.

Gaëlle explained to our hen that she was safe and that she could lay eggs and let the others lay eggs without fear, and that if the situation did not improve, we would not be able to keep her with us. The change was radical, since upon her reintroduction the next day, she left the other hens alone. Since then, calm has returned to the henhouse!

We were amazed by the speed and efficiency of Gaëlle's work! »

Thomas and Kidi and their hen Mila - July 5, 2023 - Belgium


“I recently had an invasion of ants and winged ants in my room. At first I tried with essential oils, but without success. The phenomenon being quite invasive and occurring at 5 a.m., my nights were disturbed in addition to the feeling of invasion. So I called on Gaëlle for animal communication and since then I no longer have ants inside. Thank you Gaëlle and synchronicity. »


Pierre - invasion of ants and winged ants - June 28, 2023 - Belgium


“My mare Gaya regularly had swollen and watery eyes. Despite multiple treatments, nothing, no improvement or change.
I then called on Gaëlle and bingo, her conversation with Gaya gave me a mirror effect!

Awareness arose and a few days later, Gaya's eyes were no longer watering and had completely deflated.

Since then, everything has been going well😊 Another communication with Gaya's equine companion to find out about her general condition in all respects and there too, a very nice return, very touching. Thank you for them, for me, for us! »

Véronique and her two horses - April 2023 - Belgium

“So I thank you for your work because there are results that make life more pleasant. It seems that Poussynette feels less invaded by Vanille's presence, and that Vanille is calmer and less fearful in my home. »

Anne-Marie and her cat Poussynette - February 2023 - Belgium

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